Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports
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Corrosion of the Steel Pressure Boundary Component and Steam Turbines. Ed. J. Forsten. Espoo. p. 271 - 285.
Koutsky, J. & Splichal, K. 1985. Hydrogen and radiation embrittlement of CrMoV and CrNiMoV ferritic RPV steels. Transactions of the 8th Int. Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology. p. 479 - 484. Koutsky, J. & Splichal, K. 1986. Hydrogen and radiation embrittlement of CrMoV and CrNiMoV ferritic RPV steels. International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping 24. p. 13 - 26. Koutsky, J., Splichal, K., Novosad, P., Burda, J. & Havel, R. 1987. Influence of hydrogen on delayed fracture of RPV steels. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 8. p. 21 - 23. Krasikov, E. A. 1974. An investigation of the effect of radiation and hydrogen absorption on the strength and plasticity under static tension of specimens of 12Cr2MoVA (48TS-3) steel. Teploenergetika, 21, 6, p. 120 - 121. Mazel, R. E., Khromchenko, F. A., Grinenko, V. G. & Kuznetsova, T. P. 1978. Investigation of the susceptibility of reactor vessel welds to hydrogen-induced brittle failure. International Institute of Welding, XXXI Congress IIW Document No. X-889-78. Mazel, R. E., Grinenko, V. G. & Kuznetsova, T. P. 1980. Influence of cladding on the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of the metal of a nuclear reactor vessel. Teploenergetika 27, 10, p. 29 - 30. Mazel, R. E., Grinenko, V. G., Kuznetsova, T. P. & Sapronova, M. N. 1983. Influence of hydrogen on the susceptibility to brittle fracture of welded joints of the vessels of VVER- 1000 nuclear reactors. Teploenergetika 30, 2, p. 32 - 36.
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