Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports

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Brinkman, C. R. & Beeston, J. M. 1970. The effect of hydrogen on the ductile properties of irradiated pressure vessel steels. Irradiation effects on structural alloys for nuclear reactor applications. ASTM STP 484. American Society for Testing and Materials. p. 42 - 73.

Broomfield, G. H. 1965. Hydrogen effects in an irradiated l%Cr, l/2%Mo PWR pressure vessel steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials 16. p. 249 - 259.

Harries, D. R. & Broomfield, G. H. 1963. Hydrogen embrittlement of steel pressure vessels in pressurized water reactor systems. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9. 3, p. 327 - 338.

Havel, S., Tvrdy, M., Hyspecka, L., Mazanec, K. 1980. Evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement in selected types of CrMoV, CrMo and MnNiMo steels. Proc. of the 4th Intem. Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. I. London, 19 - 23 May, International Mechanical Engineers. p. 273 - 278. Kondo, T. et al. 1982. SSRT in BWR water on steels of varied strength. Recent crack growth rate results in JAERI-Tohoku University joint program, Part 1. ICCGR Meeting, May. Koutsky, J. 1991. The influence of hydrogen embrittlement on safety and life-time of reactor pressure vessels. In: Shibata, H. (ed.). Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, SMiRT 11 Transactions, Vol. F, Tokyo, Japan. p. 377 - 381.

Koutsky, J., Splichal, K., Novosad, P., Burda, J. & Havel, R. 1984. Influence of hydrogen in delayed fracture of RPV steels. Nuclear Research Institute of Rez, Czechoslovakia.

Koutsky, J. & Splichal, K. 1984. Hydrogen embrittlement of fenitic steels for reactor pressure vessels. Proc. of IAEA specialists' meeting Corrosion and Stress

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