Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports
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Nakajima, H. 1982. Precracked SSRT of SA533 Grade B steel in hydrogen gas environment. ICCGR Meeting, October.
Rossin, A. D. 1967. Hydrogen embrittlement: A reactor safety problem? Power Reactor Technology and Reactor Fuel Processing 10, 2, p. 102 - 110.
Rossin, A. D., Blewitt, T. H. & Troiano, A. R. 1966. Hydrogen embritdement in irradiated steels. Nuclear Engineering and Design 4, p. 446 - 458.
Ruscak, M., Splichal, K. & Zdarek, J. 1991. Combination of radiation and hydrogen damage of reactor pressure vessel steel. In: Shibata, H. (ed.). Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, SMiRT 11 Transactions, Vol. F, Tokyo, Japan, p. 255 - 260. Takaku, H., Kayano, H. & Yajima, S. 1978. Combined effects of neutron irradiation and hydrogen absorption on mechanical properties of pure iron. Journal of Nuclear Materials 71, p. 292 - 299.
Takaku, H. & Kayano, H. 1978. Hydrogen embritdement of unirradiated steels for nuclear reactor pressure vessels. Journal of Nuclear Materials 78, p. 299 - 308.
Takaku, H. & Kayano, H. 1982. Combined effects of neutron irradiation and hydrogen absorption on tensile properties and fracture mode of steels for nuclear pressure vessel. Journal of Nuclear Materials 110, p. 286 - 295.
Tomlinson, L. 1981. Mechanism of corrosion of carbon and low alloy ferritic steels by high temperature water. Corrosion 37, 10, p. 591 - 596.
Tvrdy, M., Havel, S., Hyspecka, L. & Mazanec, K. 1981. Hydrogen embrittlement of CrMo and CrMoV pressure vessel steels. International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping 9, p. 355 - 365.
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