Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports


[82] D. Perez Escobar, C. Minambres, L. Duprez, K. Verbeken, and M. Verhaege. Internal and surface damage of multiphase steels and pure iron after electro- chemical hydrogen charging. Corrosion Science , 53(10):3166–3176, 2011. [83] C SAN MARCHI, B SOMERDAY, and S ROBINSON. Permeability, solubility and diffusivity of hydrogen isotopes in stainless steels at high gas pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 32(1):100–116, jan 2007. [84] M.T. EricksonKirk and T.L. Dickson. Recommended Screening Limits for Pressurized Thermal Shock ( PTS ). Technical report, U.S.NRC, 2010. [85] W Y Chu, K W Gao, Y Z Huang, Y B Wang, and L J Qiao. Initiation of Fissure from Hydrogen Blister in Rail Steel. (October):1046–1049, 2000. [86] F.A. Garner, E.P. Simonen, B.M. Oliver, L.R. Greenwood, M.L. Grossbeck, W.G. Wolfer, and P.M. Scott. Retention of hydrogen in fcc metals irradiated at temperatures leading to high densities of bubbles or voids. Journal of Nuclear Materials , 356(1-3):122–135, 2006.


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