Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports


[67] A.J. Elliot and D.M. Bartels. The reaction set, Rate constants and G-values for the simulation of light water over the range 20 to 350 C based on information available in 2008. INIS , 41(20), 2009. [68] M.L. Lukashenko and Et al. No Title. Atomnaya Energiya , 72:570, 1992. [69] W.G. Burns, J. Henshaw, and J.A.B. Goodball. The radiation chemistry of a pressurized water reactor. The effect of added hydrogen based on a simplified modeling approach. Technical Report July, AEA, 1994. [70] D M Himmelblau. Solubilities of Inert Gases in Water 0 C to near the Critical Point of Water. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data , 5(1):10–15, jan 1960. [71] Daniel Krause and Bruce B. Benson. The solubility and isotopic fractionation of gases in dilute aqueous solution. IIa. solubilities of the noble gases. Journal of Solution Chemistry , 18(9):823–873, sep 1989. [72] Rosa Crovetto. Solubilities of inert gases and methane in H2O and in D2O in the temperature range of 300 to 600 K. The Journal of Chemical Physics , 76(2):1077–1082, 1982. [73] Robert W. Potter and Michael A. Clynne. The solubility of the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe in water up to the critical point. Journal of Solution Chemistry , 7(11):837–844, nov 1978. [74] C. Creemers. Atoomtheorie, chemische periodiciteit en chemische binding: Deel 1 . Acco, Leuven, 2011. [75] Jürgen Vogt and Santiago Alvarez. van der Waals Radii of Noble Gases. Inorganic Chemistry , 53(17):9260–9266, sep 2014. [76] Linus Pauling. The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals: An Introduction to Modern Structural Chemistry. , volume 82. 1960. [77] Michael Smialowksi. Hydrogen in Steel. Effect of Hydrogen on Iron and Steel during Production, Fabrication and Use. Addison-Wesley Publishing company, Inc., 1963. [78] Key to metals. Hydrogen in steels, 2012. [79] Stanley I. Sandler. Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics . John Wiley & Sons, 4th edition, 2006. [80] L Tomlinson. Mechanism of Corrosion of Carbon and Low Alloy Ferritic Steels by High Temperature Water. CORROSION , 37(10):591–596, 1981. [81] A. Gajek and T. Zakroczymski. Long-lasting hydrogen evolution on and hydrogen entry into iron in an aqueous solution. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry , 578(1):171–182, 2005. 126

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