Effects of process-generated hydrogen on RPV walls
TBppm = 0 ! total boron concentration in ppm
TLippm = 0.5
! total Lithium concentration in ppm
H2_cc_25 = 35
! total H2 concentration in cc/kg STP
O2_ppm = 0.0001
! total O2 concentration in ppm
H2O2_ppm = 0.0001
! total O2 concentration in ppm
! temperature C
ccc GAMn = 1.e20 ccc GAMg = 3.e21
! neutron energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s ! gamma energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s ! alpha energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s
GAMa = 3.e21
GAMn_r = 1.71e9 GAMg_r = 9.53e8
! neutron energy dose rate, rad/h
! gamma energy dose rate, rad/h GAMa_r = 1.05e8 *(TBppm/840.) ! alpha energy dose rate, rad/h
GAMn = GAMn_r*1.734e10*DW GAMg = GAMg_r*1.734e10*DW GAMa = GAMa_r*1.734e10*DW
! neutron energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s ! gamma energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s ! alpha energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s
c c c
GAMn = 0.1065E+24 GAMg = 0.5937E+23 GAMa = 0.6541E+22
! neutron energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s ! gamma energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s ! gamma energy dose rate, ev/cm3 s
dt = 1.e-8 ! initial time step (s) C dt must ce reduced if there is no convergence
Tmax = 0.2 ! time of integration (s) C Tmax must be incresed if steady-state is not achived
c Index of species which concentration can be calculated
c 1 - e(aq); 2 - H; 3 - OH; 4 - H+; 5 - OH-; 6 - O2; 7 - O2-;
c 8 - H2; 9 - H2O2; 10 - HO2-; 11 - HO2; 12 - Li+; 13 - LiOH; 14 - LiB(OH)4;
c 15 - B(OH)3; 16 - B(OH)4-; 17 - B2(OH)7-; 18 - B3(OH)10-; 19 - B4(OH)14--;
Lp = 0
C This is the list of species which concentration appears in the file PWR_CHEM_RK.out
LP(1) = 3
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