EDC - Technologica
Chemistry at KU Leuven, Belgium’s leading university, already found international recognition back in 1784 with Dr. Minckelers invention of coal gasification and gas lighting. Since then, the university has kept a rich tradition in industrial chemistry and related fields.
In 1960, the – at that time – very modern “ Institute for Industrial Chemistry ” was created. One field
of research was Industrial Electrochemistry (including
Corrosion). Later, other divisions of the Institute had a major role in environmental research and water treatment.
Pioneering University Spin-off
Sol id Academic Hi story
The (electrochemical) corrosion work evolved in close cooperation with Marcel Pourbaix (Cebelcor), Belgium’s renowned corrosion scientist, later nominated for the Nobel Price Chemistry.
Marcel Pourbaix (with Ulick Evans)
Innovat ion i s i n our DNA, today as i t was decades ago i n the 1960s , 70s , 80s and 90s . . . . . . More than ha l f a centur y o f Indust r i al Chemi st ry Resea r ch & Deve l opmen t !
In the early 1970s, the KU Leuven Corrosion Lab played a pioneering role in the development of electrochemical measuring techniques for high temperature high-pressure aqueous
systems, such as geothermal installations or nuclear steam generators.
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