Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports
6. R.J. Fruehan. A review of hydrogen flaking and its prevention . Iron & steelmaker, Vol. 24, Nr. 8, p. 61 (1997). 7. R.E. Mazel, V.G. Grinenko & T.P. Kuznetsova. 1980. Influence of cladding on the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of the metal of a nuclear reactor vessel. Teploenergetika, Vol. 27, Nr. 10, p. 29 (1980). 8. D.D. Macdonald & M. Urquidi-Macdonald. The Electrochemistry of Nuclear Reactor Coolant Circuits , Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Vol. 5 Electrochemical Engineering, Eds. D.D. Macdonald and P. Schmuki, Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 665-720 (2007). 9. W.F. Bogaerts & D.D. Macdonald. Hydrogen-assisted cracking in nuclear power plants? J. Nucl. Materials, submitted (2015). 10. T.K.G. Namboodhiri. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals, Vol. 37, p. 764 (1984). 11. R.E. Westerman. An analysis of the Truarc Ring Failure Problem , HW-71631, November 8, 1961; cited in: S.H. Bush & R.L. Dillon , ‘Stress Corrosion in Nuclear Systems’ , Proc. Int. Conf. on Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Base Alloys (NACE-5), p. 61, June 1973.
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