Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports
J. Koutsk~, K. ~plichal
of 3-4 ppm was ascertained. Assuming that a concent rat ion equi l ibrium is established on the cladding-base material interface, the hydrogen content could reach values significant f rom the viewpoint of hydrogen embr i t t lement for low-alloy steels.
1. Koutsk~, J., Otruba, J. and ~plichai, K., Trans. 7th SMI RT Conf., Paper G 2/9, Chicago, 1983. 2. Koutsk~, J. and ~plichal, K., Proc. IAEA Specialists' Meeting on Corrosion and Stress Corrosion of the Steel Pressure Boundary Components and Steam Turbines, J. Forsten (ed.), VTT Espoo, 1984, pp. 271-85. 3. Axamit, R., Novosad, P. and Burda, J., Rep. 6119-M, Nuclear Research Institute, l~e~, Czechoslovakia, 1982. 4. Hrub~,,J. et al., Proc. Material and Technological Problems of VVER Nuclear Reactors, ~elezmi Ruda, Czechoslovakia, 1978, pp. 149-66. 5. Brinkmann, C. R. and Beeston, J. M., The effect of 112 on the ductile properties of irradiated pressure vessel steels, ASTM STP 484, Philadelphia, PA, 1971. 6. Takaku, H. and Kayano, H., J. Nucl. Mater., 78 (1978), 299-308. 7. Takaku, H. and Kayano, H., J. Nucl. Mater., 110 (1982), 286-95. 8. Gerberich, W. W. and Chen, Y. T., Met. Trans., 6A (1975),271-8. 9. Gerberich, W. W., Chen, Y. T. and St John, C., Met. Trans., 6A (1975), 1485-98.
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