Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports
[39] I. Maroef, D. L. Olson, M. Eberhart, and G. R. Edwards. Hydrogen trapping in ferritic steel weld metal. International Materials Reviews , 47(4):191–223, aug 2002. [40] Edward A. Kenik and Jeremy T. Busby. Radiation-induced degradation of stainless steel light water reactor internals. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports , 73(7-8):67–83, jul 2012. [41] E A Krasikov and A D Amajev. Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Embrittlement Under the Combined Action of Neutron Field and Hydrogen. Technical report, National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow. [42] W. Solano-Alvarez, Eun Ju Song, Do Kyeong Han, Dong-Woo Woo Suh, and H. K D H Bhadeshia. Cracks in Martensite Plates as Hydrogen Traps in a Bearing Steel. Metal lurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metal lurgy and Materials Science , 46(2):665–673, 2014. [43] M.R. R. Louthan and G.R. R. Caskey. Hydrogen transport and embrittlement in structural metals. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 1(3):291–305, 1976. [44] D.R. Harries and G.H. Broomfield. Hydrogen embrittlement of steel pressure vessels in pressurised water reactor systems. Journal of Nuclear Materials , 9(3):327–338, aug 1963. [45] P Millett. PWR Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines: Volume 1, Revision 4. Technical report, EPRI, Palo Alto, California, 1999. [46] H. R. Shaw and D. R. Wones. Fugacity coefficients for hydrogen gas between O degrees and 1000 degrees C, for pressures to 3000 atm. American Journal of Science , 262(7):918–929, sep 1964. [47] G.D. Whitman. Technology of Steel Pressure Vessels for Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors. Nuclear Engineering and Design , 8(1):7–21, 1968. [48] Digby D Macdonald. The electrochemistry of stress corrosion cracking in water- cooled reactor coolant circuits , volume 5. 2007. [49] William L. Marshall and E. U. Franck. Ion product of water substance, 0-1000 C, 1-10,000 bars. New International Formulation and its background. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data , 10(2):295–304, 1981. [50] Allan H Harvey. Thermodynamic properties of water. Technical report, U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology, Colorado, 2010. [51] Karl-Heinz Neeb. The Radiochemistry of Nuclear Power Plants with Light Water Reactors . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1997. [52] Sham Sunder. Calculation of radiation dose rates in a water layer in contact with used CANDU UO2 fuel. Nuclear Technology , 122(2):211–221, 2998. 124
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