Doel 3 & Tihange 2 - Some Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers & Reports

7.2. Pressure during normal operating conditions

(a) Zoom on time dependent concentra- tion profile close to the steel-water inter- face.

(b) Zoom on the time dependent concen- tration profile at the lining-base material interface in the RPV wall.

Figure 7.5: Concentration profile in the RPV wall as a result of the typical cooling path for the reactor coolant of a pressurized water reactor during a cold shutdown considering only corrosion generated hydrogen with a 10% absorption coefficient and a hydrogen generation rate of 150 mol H/yr.The lines show the concentration profile for different moments after the start of cooling with an interval of 1 hour up to 50 hours.

(a) Zoom on time dependent concentra- tion profile close to the steel-water inter- face.

(b) Zoom on the time dependent concen- tration profile at the lining-base material interface in the RPV wall.

Figure 7.6: Concentration profile in the RPV wall as a result of the typical cooling path for the reactor coolant of a pressurized water reactor during a cold shutdown considering only corrosion generated hydrogen with a 90% absorption coefficient and a hydrogen generation rate of 50 mol H/yr.The lines show the concentration profile for different moments after the start of cooling with an interval of 1 hour up to 50 hours.


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