Critical Reflections about Doel3 & Tihange2

Integrity reactor vessels Doel 3 and Tihange 2

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1. July 20, 2014: Publication of the conference paper: LACROIX, V., DULIEU, P., and COUPLET, D., "Alternative Characterization Rules for Quasi-Laminar Flaws", PVP2014-28200, ASME PVP Conference, Anaheim, CA, July, 2014." [ 24 ] , 1937821 This paper is based on the paper of Kunio Hasegawa, Koichi Saito and Katsumasa Miyzaki [ 22 ] , and has led to the proposal of an ASME code case N–848 "Alternative characterization rules for quasi-laminar flaws – Section XI, Division I" [ 26 ] . 2. June 23, 2015: Approval of the code case N848 "Alternative Characterization Rules for Quazi-Laminar Flaws" 2420&NoToolbar=yes and click on "View the Code Case File" for downloading the code case. or BPVCResources/BPVC-CC-NC.pdf 3. July 1, 2015: Publication of the the code case N–848 "Alternative Characterization Rules for Quazi-Laminar Flaws – Section XI, Division I" 4. July 19, 2015: Publication of the conference paper: V. LACROIX, P. DULIEU and A. S. BOGEART, "Alternative Characterization Rules for Quasi-Laminar Flaws Based on 3D X-FEM Calculations" ASME PVP Conference, July 2015 [ 25 ] . 2471890 5. November 2015: Publication of the ORNL report ORNL / TM-2015 / 59349 "ORNL Evaluation of Electrabel Safety Cases for Doel 3 / Tihange 2: Final Report (R2)" or In this report, the ORNL applies the code case N–848 to recalculate the entire flaw population in the Doel 3 and Tihange 2 reactors according to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against Failure", New York (1992 and 2004).

R.Boonen & J.Peirs

May 18, 2017

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